This is the story of Stan and Iris. It’s a CSI whodunit, a blue chip wildlife doc, and a live-streaming love story. Stan and Iris, however, are not your ordinary ospreys. They have a devoted following of thousands on Facebook and last year their dramatic life unfolded before the world’s eyes on live-camera feeds, as people fell in love with them and their three growing chicks, Squish, Hook, and Crown Royal. From hatching to fledging, the family battled with fish hooks, bailing twine, and great horned owl and bald eagle attacks, all of which pales in comparison to the invisible danger that surrounds them at every moment.

Armed with a state-of-the-art lab and remote-controlled helicopters, researchers Erick Green and Heiko Langner are racing to solve a deadly puzzle that threatens the entire family and all other ospreys along this stretch of river. Their pursuit of an answer will take them a century into the past and make us all reflect on the next century going forward. What does it mean for ospreys, for our children, and our nation?

This is the story of Stan and Iris. It’s a CSI whodunit, a blue chip wildlife doc, and a live-streaming love story. Stan and Iris, however, are not your ordinary ospreys. They have a devoted following of thousands on Facebook and last year their dramatic life unfolded before the world’s eyes on live-camera feeds, as people fell in love with them and their three growing chicks, Squish, Hook, and Crown Royal. From hatching to fledging, the family battled with fish hooks, bailing twine, and great horned owl and bald eagle attacks, all of which pales in comparison to the invisible danger that surrounds them at every moment.

Armed with a state-of-the-art lab and remote-controlled helicopters, researchers Erick Green and Heiko Langner are racing to solve a deadly puzzle that threatens the entire family and all other ospreys along this stretch of river. Their pursuit of an answer will take them a century into the past and make us all reflect on the next century going forward. What does it mean for ospreys, for our children, and our nation?

The following trailer features the backstory to that of Stan & Iris, the two ospreys well known to the world.

OSPREY TRAILER from Conservation Media on Vimeo.