WWF - Jackery Fine Cut

Buildling thermal camera tower

Buildling thermal camera tower

Thermal Camera

Mounting thermal camera on tower

Thermal camera on tower

Thermal camera tower with solar charger and generator

Charging thermal camera battery

Charging thermal camera battery

Charging thermal camera battery

Preparing thermal camera drone for launch, powered by solar panels and external battery

Controlling drone for ferret detection.

Landing drone after thermal ferret survey

Composite image of thermal camera drone launch

Controlling drone for ferret detection

Swithching batteies in thermal camera drone between flights

Thermal camera powered by solar-charged generator.

Spotlighting from a truck for black-footed ferrets.

Examining black-footed ferret in trap.

Examining black-footed ferret in trap.

Preparing to give anesthetized ferret oxygen for vaccination procedure.

Releasing vaccinated black-footed ferret back into the wild.

Releasing vaccinated black-footed ferret back into the wild.